Health,Safety & Environment « QHSE »  Please check our QHSE Privacy 


We Promise that we always work with a Sure Way, we are committed to comply with all of the Company Hiring.Dz Safety Procedures

We stop work if we believe that the situation presents dangers or if we have concerns about the Health, Safety and Environment.

The Company Hiring Dz management adopt as priority of these everyday concerns, risk management not affect humans, the environment 

* All hierarchy and all employees consider Health, Safety and Environment as a priority in the implementation of their tasks.

* Each activity is conducted in the permanent respect of instructions, procedures and regulations. 

We have a zero tolerance for unsafe behavior, we intervene and correct dangerous behavior; we live and learn basic rules of Security.
The Basic Rules of Safety focus on 10 points with minimum requirements. We promise that we learn and respect the basic rules of Security and 

others contained in the procedures of Safety and Environment. We promise that we would do the following:

1- Driving Automotive
2- Personal Protective Equipment
3- Risk Assessment Tools 
4- Reports  
5- Change Management   
6- Behaviors 
7- Emergency Procedures

8- Lifting Operations
9- Work Place
10- Work Permit 



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